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"We never insisted on being an all-female band."
| Xavier Kruth
On Saturday, March 23, we will hold a Dark Entries Night with the Dutch-speaking night orchestra De Delvers, and with the German post-punk group Tv...


"I link the strength I have had to go up and down the tens of thousands of steps, to confront the heat and the hustle and bustle of the crowds, more and more directly with the nature spirit Ganriki."
| Xavier Kruth
Empusae has a new album out. And as usual, it’s a masterpiece. ‘Pilgrimage to Ganriki’ tells about a journey to the Ganriki shrine in Japan. Gan...

Goethes Erben

"When one is young, one does not think about the fact that one day everything will be over. And that is also beautiful and exciting, because as you get older, you look at the past differently."
| Xavier Kruth
Goethes Erben has been very creative in recent years, but that is now coming to an end. The story has been told, says mastermind Oswald Henke. It s...

Reynols: Live In Mechelen - A TQ Zine Subscriber Exclusive

| Xavier Kruth
Reynols celebrated their 30th anniversary in 2023, and although I had never heard of the group before, I was invited to interview Reynols’ guitaris....

BG+ Symfonia, Trixxo Arena, 22/12/2023

"At the age of seventy, Boris Grebenshikov is far from finished singing."
| Xavier Kruth
When I had the chance to see Boris Grebenshikov in Antwerp in 2015, I wrote that I never thought he would play in Belgium. After all, the man may b...

The Arch

"Due to the Covid paralysis, everyone jammed from home in isolation, after which the songs grew through exchange and interaction."
| Xavier Kruth
The Arch releases its sixth LP with 'Sanctuary Rat', and we recommend everyone to listen to it. Why? Firstly, because it once again meets the wonde...

Boris Grebenshikov

"We were never friends with the Kremlin."
| Xavier Kruth
Boris Grebenshikov may be unknown to many Western Europeans, but in Russia and the surrounding area he is a legendary rock star. When the first Rus...

Борис Гребенщиков

"Я никогда дружил с Кремлём"
| Xavier Kruth
Борис Гребенщиков, возможно, неизвестен многим западноевропейцам, но в России и м...

N.E.L & J.P

"If we dream together, maybe the world will wake up."
| Xavier Kruth
We can truly speak of a sensation. Just about everyone seems enthusiastic about N.E.L & J.P, the new project by Nel Mertens and Jean Paul De Br...

Such Beautiful Flowers

"For me there was never much difference between The Sex Pistols and Fad Gadget or Front 242. They're both punk, just with different instruments."
| Xavier Kruth
Such Beautiful Flowers is a relatively new Flemish electro project that is both melancholic and danceable. However, the man behind the one-man proj...

Laibach: Love Is Still Alive, Nieuwe Nor, Heerlen

"Laibach shows extensive range with performance in three parts"
| Xavier Kruth
It seems as if Laibach is busy with several tours at the same time. We recently saw a masterful performance of ‘Alamut’ in Frankfurt, and just two...

The Essence

"I wanted to write a song that was more poppy, with a flamenco riff. The result, 'A Mirage', became a huge hit."
| Xavier Kruth
The Essence may be a well-kept secret among wave fans in Belgium, but in Spain, France and the rest of Southern Europe, they caused a sensation in ...

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