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Boris Grebenshikov, La Madeleine, Brussels, 23/01/2025

"A journey of discovery into obscure work, but wonderfully beautiful"
| Xavier Kruth
Boris Grebenshikov is coming back to Belgium. I am delighted, since after the BG Symfonia concert at the end of 2023 in Hasselt – which was beautif....


"‘Few words, few chords, but all on target’, that’s what kregel means."
| Xavier Kruth
Kregel may have been around since 2016, and even earlier if you count the members’ earlier projects, but it was in 2020 that the group stood out, w....


"Poetry and romanticism are firewalls against the current situation."
| Xavier Kruth
The release of ‘Serenity in Chaos’, Factheory’s first full-length album, did not go unnoticed. Our colleague Kurt Ingels wrote: “Factheory’s...


"Poésie et romantisme sont des pares-feux face à la situation actuelle."
| Xavier Kruth
La sortie de « Serenity in Chaos », premier album à part entière de Factheory, n'est pas passée inaperçue. Notre collègue Kurt Ingels a écrit ...

Laibach dreams of a ‘White Christmas’ for Palestine

| Xavier Kruth
Laibach strikes again, this time in collaboration with their Slovenian colleagues of Silence. The band is known for taking seemingly innocent pop s...

Laibach lifts the veil over the legendary industrial record

| Xavier Kruth
A Laibach concert is always an event, and even more so when the object of the tour is ‘Opus Dei’, the legendary industrial record from 1987 that s...


"I can’t really describe how it feels when you become a kind of expert by experience because of the suicide of one of your loved ones, but it is the thought of loneliness and not finding another way out that sticks with"
| Xavier Kruth
Llumen has released their third album ‘The Breaking Waves’ in May. It has become an exceptionally strong future pop album, which revolves around t...

The Ultimate Dreamers

"I think you will see a clear evolution if you compare ‘Paradoxical Sleep’ to ‘Echoing Reverie’, but the few people who have heard it still consider it The Ultimate Dreamers."
| Xavier Kruth
The Ultimate Dreamers are making new music at full speed. Last week, their new single ‘Digging’ was released, and it is the precursor to the album...

The Ultimate Dreamers

"Je pense que tu verras dans « Paradoxical Sleep » une nette évolution par rapport à « Echoing Rêverie » mais les quelques personnes qui l’ont entendu trouvent quand même que c’est bien du The Ultimate Dreamers."
| Xavier Kruth
The Ultimate Dreamers créent de la nouvelle musique à toute vitesse. Leur nouveau single « Digging » est sorti la semaine dernière et est le pré...

Brave Nu World Tour: Sin Soto, Piston Fist, Kaosis + Tributes to Slipnot & The Prodigy

| Steven 'Stel' Redant
August 3rd, 2024. Hell Diest. It's the evening of the last concert of the Brave Nu World Tour. On the bill are Sin Soto and Piston Fist from Austra...

Les Ramoneurs de Menhirs

"We want to “unite the tribe”. Together, we are dynamite!"
| Malcolm Nix
Breaking Barriers, the festival that reminds us yearly that punk is not dead, is not only inviting punk pioneers like Steve Ignorant and UK Subs th...

Les Ramoneurs de Menhirs

"Nous voulons “Fédérer la tribu”. Ensemble, nous sommes de la dynamite !"
| Malcolm Nix
Breaking Barriers, le festival Louvainiste qui nous rappelle chaque année que le punk n'est pas mort, invite non seulement des pionniers du punk te.....

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